How to Properly Inflate Industrial, Agricultural and ATV Tires?

  To ensure the normal use of industrial and agricultural and ATV tires, the air pressure content of industrial and agricultural and ATV tires must be adequately guaranteed. Only in this case, the use will be more secure, and no dangerous incidents will occur, so correctly Inflating industrial, agricultural and ATV tires is also very important. So how can we properly inflate industrial, agricultural and ATV tires?

  1. Inflate industrial and agricultural and ATV tires. The time should be selected when the tires are completely cooled after stopping. Do not rush to inflate the car just after stopping. During the driving of the vehicle, the industrial and agricultural and ATV tires will generate heat due to rolling friction, which will lead to the rise of tire temperature and the increase of the air pressure in the industrial and agricultural and ATV tires, which will affect the accuracy of inflation.

  2. When the industrial, agricultural and ATV tires are inflated, the dirt and dust on the valve should be wiped clean before inflation. When inflating, do not loosen or take out the valve core, and force inflation by increasing the air pressure to prevent the valve screw from tripping and leaking. After the inflation is completed, it should be dipped in water on the valve nozzle to check for air leakage, so as to tighten or replace the valve core as appropriate. After inflating, the valve cap should also be tightened to prevent sediment from entering the valve.

  3. Observe the change of the barometer at all times, and inflate according to the standard value of industrial, agricultural and ATV tire pressure.