What Factors Are Related To The Damage Of Industrial And Agricultural Tires And ATV?

  Nowadays, cars are an important means of transportation for people to go out. Cars play a very important role in both long-distance and short-distance. The driving of a car requires the joint action of all parts of the car to drive normally. Therefore, if any part is damaged, it will cause a lot of problems.

  For the industrial and agricultural tires and ATV of the automobile, because it is one of the components that have a very long contact time with the ground, in some cases, the industrial and agricultural tires and ATV will also be damaged to varying degrees. Industrial and agricultural tires and ATV bear all the weight and pressure of the car. After long-term contact with the ground, friction and aging are always indispensable.

  For industrial and agricultural tires and ATV, in addition to some unavoidable factors, there are also some factors that will aggravate the aging of industrial and agricultural tires and ATV, such as inflation pressure, balance, positioning, speed, load, driving habits, mechanical maintenance, etc.

  As we all know, the surfaces of industrial and agricultural tires and ATV are rubber materials, which are relatively fragile, so it is necessary to check the tires in time, and the daily maintenance work is particularly important.