Why does it Increase the Risk of Blow Out for Industrial and Agricultural Tires and ATV Tires in Summer?

  Speaking of summer, people will think of high temperature weather, it not only makes people feel very hot, but also affects the quality of some products, such as industrial and agricultural tires and ATV tires in the summer.

  Industrial and agricultural tires and ATV tires will contact the ground every day, but in the summer the probability of blow out for industrial and agricultural tires and ATV will increase,so why is it?

  1、The increase in temperature will make the tire affected by thermal expansion and contraction, the internal air pressure will increase, the tire body will become thinner, increasing the probability of tire explosion.

  2、The ground temperature will be much higher than the air temperature, because the tire will directly touch the ground every day, not only the heat dissipation power will be reduced, but also a lot of heat will occur due to friction, resulting in high tire temperature and increasing the probability of tire burst.