Before Leaving, the Inspection of Industrial and Agricultural Tires and ATV is Indispensable!

  Vehicles are an important means of transportation nowadays, and the types of vehicles that use industrial and agricultural tires and ATV are mostly large trucks. Once they leave, long distances and longtime are always inevitable. Therefore before leaving, detailed inspection is essential.

  For industrial and agricultural tires and ATV, self-inspectionmainly includes:

  1. Check if there are nails on the tread. Replace it in time if you see the nails on the shoulder or tread.

  2. Check whether the valve is old, or the rubber is cracked. If any of the above problems are found,replace it in time.

  3. Check if there is any abnormality in the tread, such as bulges or cuts.

  4. Check if the sidewall is cracked. If it is, the industrial and agricultural tires and ATV may have air leakage, which is likely to burst and need to be replaced in time.