Learn About The Construction Of Industrial And Agricultural Tires And ATV Tires

  Industrial and agricultural tires and ATV tires are important components in contact with the ground. In addition to ensuring basic driving, industrial and agricultural tires and ATV tires can also provide vehicles with lateral and longitudinal grip, as well as shock absorption and impact resistance.

  From the outside, industrial and agricultural tires and ATV tires are all rubber products, but with the continuous advancement of technology, today's industrial and agricultural tires and ATV tires contain a lot of advanced technology and complex structural designs. The quality has been greatly improved.

  Regarding the basic structure of industrial and agricultural tires and ATV tires, the structure on the cross-section is mainly divided into tread, shoulder, bead, and bead. The tread is mainly in contact with the ground, the shoulder and bead play a supporting role, and the contact between the bead and the rim plays a sealing role.

  In the interior of industrial and agricultural tires and ATV tires, it is composed of multiple layers of different materials - tread pattern, cover layer, steel belt layer (2 layers), stress absorbing rubber strip, carcass ply, air dense layer. "Wire belt layer", this layer is formed by superimposing two layers of steel wires, the steel wires of the two layers of steel wire form a certain angle, the function is to improve the rigidity of the tread, so that the tire can cope with the impact of uneven road surface. In order to prevent the steel wire from rusting, there will be a "covering layer" on the outside of the steel wire layer. The "carcass ply" runs through the entire section of the tire and provides support for the tire. The "inner liner" is located inside the tire and extends to the bead of the tire, and it mainly acts as a seal.