What Characteristics Do Industrial And Agricultural Tires And ATVs Need To Have?

  Industrial and agricultural tires and ATVs are a kind of circular elastic rubber products that are specially used for grounding and rolling on various vehicles or machinery. Industrial and agricultural tires and ATVs are usually installed on metal rims, which can support the body, buffer external impacts, achieve contact with the road surface and ensure the driving performance of the vehicle.

  Because industrial and agricultural tires and ATVs have been used under some complex and harsh conditions for a long time, it is precisely because of such reasons that industrial and agricultural tires and ATVs are required to have various special characteristics. Industrial and agricultural tires and ATVs are subjected to various deformations, loads, forces, and high and low temperature effects during driving, so they need to have higher load-bearing performance, traction performance, and cushioning performance. At the same time, high wear resistance and flex resistance, as well as low rolling resistance and heat build-up are also required.

  The use of industrial and agricultural tires and ATVs is an important part of vehicles that cannot be ignored. Only industrial and agricultural tires and ATVs with excellent quality and basic characteristics can be said to be products that meet market requirements and pass quality standards.