Basic Precautions For Using Industrial And Agricultural Tires And ATVs

  Industrial and agricultural tires and ATVs are an important part of keeping a car running. In order to avoid danger and prevent premature failure of industrial and agricultural tires and ATVs, the following points should be noted when using industrial and agricultural tires and ATVs:

  1. Strictly control the temperature of industrial and agricultural tires and ATVs during driving. Excessive tire temperature will cause the rubber to age and crack, reducing its service life. Especially in summer, you should pay attention to explosion protection.

  2. Master the inflation standards of industrial and agricultural tires and ATVs, and pay attention not to be too high or too low in tire pressure to avoid puncture.

  3. Master the load of industrial and agricultural tires and ATVs. It is strictly forbidden to overload the vehicle, otherwise it will increase the bending deformation of the sidewall, increase the ground contact area, increase the temperature, and accelerate the wear and damage of the tire shoulder.

  4. Keep the vehicle chassis in good technical condition. If not properly assembled and adjusted, tires will not roll smoothly, leading to slippage and drag that accelerates wear on industrial and agricultural tires and ATVs.

  5. Reasonable collocation of industrial and agricultural tires and ATVs and regular transposition

  6. Strictly implement the driving operation rules, avoid emergency braking, and keep driving at a constant speed.