For The Manufacturer Life And Mileage Of Agricultural And Industrial Tire And ATV,Which Is The Replacement Standards More Accurate?

  The replacement of industrial and agricultural tires and ATV is very important for every car owner.Once it is time to replace, it is necessary to replace in time, so as to ensure that no dangerous situation occurs.

  Although the replacement of industrial and agricultural tires and ATV is a normal phenomenon, but for whether to replace according to the manufacturer life as a standard, or according to the use of mileage as a standard to replace, people often do not know which is more accurate between them?

  The life of industrial and agricultural tires and ATVS in use is about 6 years. If it is not used, the storage life of industrial and agricultural tires and ATVs should not exceed 10 years.Because the industrial and agricultural tires and ATV are used, there will be corresponding wear phenomenon, so in fact, the replacement of industrial and agricultural tires and ATV should be determined according to the degree of damage itself.That is to say, the replacement of industrial and agricultural tires and ATV, one from the point of wear, one from the point of aging, which comes first, which shall prevail.