How to Reduce Abnormal Wear of Industrial Tires

To reduce abnormal wear of industrial tires, the following measures can be taken and explained in combination with relevant figures and information:

1. Maintain the correct inflation pressure

1. Reason:

Inflation pressure that is too high or too low will cause harm to the tire, and the harm is greater when it is low. Actual phenomena show that low tire pressure accounts for the majority, resulting in a general decrease in tire life.

2. Measures:

Check the inflation pressure of the tire regularly to ensure that it is within the range specified by the vehicle manufacturer.

When the tire inflation pressure is too high, the tire contact area is reduced, the pressure is increased, and the wear of the tread contact is aggravated. Therefore, avoiding overinflation is the key.

When the tire inflation pressure is too low, the tire contact area is increased, the rolling resistance is increased, and the tire wear is aggravated. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the tire inflation pressure is not lower than the minimum standard.

2. Pay attention to starting and braking

1. Reason:

When the vehicle is stationary and starts and brakes, the friction generated is large, which is easy to cause tire wear.

2. Measures:

When starting, keep the low gear and accelerate steadily to avoid tire wear caused by rapid starting.

When braking, avoid braking randomly or braking suddenly to reduce the friction between the tire and the ground and reduce wear.

3. Control driving speed

1. Reason:

When driving at high speed, the friction and impact between the tire and the ground increase, accelerating tire wear.

2. Measures:

When going uphill, use low gear to reduce the friction and impact of the tire.

When going downhill, pay attention to controlling the brakes and avoid sliding in neutral to reduce tire wear.

4. Avoid obstacles and bad road conditions

1. Reason:

Obstacles such as manhole covers and speed bumps and bad road conditions can cause abnormal wear on tires.

2. Measures:

Try to avoid obstacles such as manhole covers and speed bumps when driving to reduce the impact on tires.

In bad road conditions, slow down and drive slowly to reduce tire wear.

5. Properly maintain tires

1. Measures:

Check the tire surface regularly to ensure that there are no defects such as cracks and deformations.

Regularly remove small stones and other debris in the tire grooves to avoid wear on the tires.

Choose a flat surface when parking, and avoid parking on roads with coarse, sharp or sharp stones.

VI. Improve tire quality

1. Reason:

The quality of the tire itself directly affects its wear resistance and anti-eccentric wear ability.

2. Measures:

When buying tires, choose well-known brands and products with guaranteed quality.

Maintain and replace tires regularly to ensure that they are in good condition.